Lady Cynthia Richardson

First Lady Cynthia Richardson encompasses the virtues of an exceptional pastor’s wife. While setting an example of godliness and discipline to the ladies of the church, the community and the world, she consistently stretches herself beyond the limits of the traditional First Lady seated on the front pew with the pretty hat.

She is a woman of distinction: a trend-setting, elegant woman-the epitome of classiness and refinement. She believes in prayer and encouragement: a woman of faith-concerned for the hurting and dejected hearts; she is reachable, touchable and encouraging.

She was honored as a “Woman of Influence” in 2015 by the SESBM Women of Influence Non-profit Organization.

She is a woman of worth and quality: business-minded, consecrated with integrity, actively working in ministry, standing beside our Bishop with unparalleled dedication and conviction.

Dr. Richardson earned her Bachelor of Religious Arts in Biblical Studies, Masters of Religious Arts in Christian Education and Doctor of Theology, all from the Jacksonville Theological Seminary. She and Bishop Richardson have two children, Antonio Jr. and Cynthia Nykia.

In her ability to inspire our church members, she has garnered the status of one who is amiable, kindhearted and influential. Lady Richardson is incomparable and dynamic; she is the virtuous woman of this house.